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An innovative solution for your 4.0 Industry

Gambi-M in Bagnols sur Cèze (France) - In-Replica - 3D virtual replicas, 3D engineering, BIM, business applications for industrial and nuclear plantsVirtual replicas

Create real 3D environnements de travail virtuels 3D In-ReplicaTM virtual work environments quickly and cost-effectively, thanks to Gambi-M’s innovative process.

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Find out moreBusiness applications

Enhance your In-ReplicaTM 3D work environments with industry-specific applications.

Easy to use, they enable you to transpose numerous tasks into In-ReplicaTM, freeing you from the physical constraints of real installations.

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Find out more3D data acquisition

In-ReplicaTM 3D work environments are based on 3D data acquired by laser scans. They enable the creation of hybrid models integrating CAD and BIM models, and the connection of technical databases.

Gambi-M has mastered In-ReplicaTM virtual replica extensions and offers services in these fields.

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VICTOR: our automatic point cloud cleaning tool

Move the cursor and see the difference!

In-Replica par Gambi-M : réplique virtuelle de vos installations industrielles - Notre application Victor : nettoyage de relevés 3D (avant nettoyage)In-Replica par Gambi-M : réplique virtuelle de vos installations industrielles - Notre application Victor : nettoyage de relevés 3D (après nettoyage)